the research track

The Research Track is a short programme for researchers. It teaches you to create value from your research and takes you on a journey to discover its market potential.  It is the perfect first step if you are interested in entrepreneurship as a researcher but have limited or no prior knowledge.

Register here for the January edition

What's the goal?

  • to develop entrepreneurial skills
  • to find out if your research can find its way to the market and shape the world of tomorrow
  • to apply innovative techniques and methodologies to your own research

who can apply?

The Research Track is open to researchers from all Flemish universities and university colleges, regardless of your research topic (alpha, beta and gamma sciences).

The programme focuses on all researchers (PhD, postdoc, ZAP …) who want to find out how their research can be transferred to our everyday lives.  

There is a maximum capacity of 21 participants per edition.

what's in it for me?

More than 80% of PhD’s aspire a career in the business world, start their own company or start working in the public sector at some point. This programme supports all of these career paths.

The Research Track is a hands-on programme that focusses on a direct application to your own research case. You’ll learn about the correlation of market and society and about the importance of the customer point of view. This will give you insight into the non-academical world and into the added value your research could offer.

We’ve created a unique and personal programme that prepares you for a career as one of our future technology leaders, as a role model for innovation and change or as an architect of tomorrow’s society.  

The Research Track is an official Doctoral Schools course.


A month before the first session you will receive access to our online learning environment. You will go through the following theoretical modules at your own speed:

  • the differences and similarities between researchers and entrepreneurs
  • recognising opportunities in your research
  • value proposition
  • business models
  • pitching and presenting
  • lean startup method

Each module offers a case study of a researcher who became an entrepreneur.

It takes about 6 hours to go through these theoretical modules.


During the sessions, the theory will be applied to your own research. We will use several techniques to teach you the rights skills and give you guidance.

Group sessions with all participants, personal assignments, peer feedback and pitching and presenting: it’s all part of the programme.


The programme takes place during 2 full days on-site and two half days online.  

In 2025 we’ve already planned 2 editions:  

  • January edition:  

Thursday 16 January: 9:00 – 17:00 at VOKA box  

Friday 17 January: 9:00 – 17:00 at VOKA box  

Thursday 23 January: 9:00 – 12:30 online 

Thursday 30 January: 9:00 – 12:30 online 

Register here for the January edition

  • June edition:

Thursday 5 June: 9:00 – 17:00 at VOKA box (lunch is included) 

Friday 6 June: 9:00 – 17:00 at VOKA box (lunch is included) 

Thursday 12 June: 9:00 – 12:30 online 

Thursday 19 June: 9:00 – 12:30 online

Register here for the June edition

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Gentrepreneur lanceert jaarlijks The Expedition, een uniek Engelstalig 7 maanden start-up programma voor ondernemend talent.

the network club

Ben jij student met een ondernemingsnummer? Dan is dit traject zeker iets voor jou! Gentrepreneur en Voka Oost-Vlaanderen organiseren samen een boeiende netwerkclub voor student-ondernemers.


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the innovation track

Ondernemerschap is nog een vage term voor jou? Je hebt niet meteen een idee maar kan niet wachten om bij te leren en een maatschappelijke impact te maken?

The Company

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Een netwerk vol expertise en advies staat te popelen om jou verder te helpen.Bij Gentrepreneur omarmen we een team van getalenteerde adviseurs, speciaal samengesteld om jonge(student-)ondernemers en onderzoekers te ondersteunen. Of je nu behoefte hebt aan advies over financiën, marketing, productontwikkeling of gewoon een mentor zoekt die de ondernemersreis al heeft afgelegd, wij hebben de juist experts voor jou.

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